Lest we forget our OG members!
Executive Board
​Our executives are responsible for the maintenance of our society as a whole. Core responsibilities include ensuring that each portfolio runs properly and that the administrative/financial matters of MASA are completed to C&S standards.
Dylan Tran-Ngo
Nathan See
Isabella Lau
Jeremy Yves
(Sem 1)
Catherine Le
(Sem 2)
Matthew Wang
Caulfield President
Priyanshu Parekh
Caulfield Vice-President
Amandeep Kaur
Caulfield Treasurer
MASA cannot function without our partners. That is where our sponsorship team comes in. Their core responsibilities are to secure financial partnerships with organisations and ensure our events satisfy their needs.
Oskar Sari
Sponsorships Director
Catherine Le
Sponsorships Officer
Jia Hui Lau
Sponsorships Officer
Darcy Spackman
Sponsorships Officer
Aaron Yong
Sponsorships Officer
Jia Hui Lau
Sponsorship Director
Aaron Yong
Sponsorship Officer
Our main offering is our diverse range of events. Thus, we rely on our events team to ensure that events are properly run, fully organised and make a positive impact upon all of our members.
Maylling Jiang
Events Director
Alicia Aw
Events Officer
Mark Bernstein
Events Officer
Kieran Teoh
Events Officer
Habin Kim
Events Officer
Maylling Jiang
Events Director
Alicia Aw
Events Officer
Kieran Teoh
Events Officer
Mark Bernstein
Events Officer
Habin Kim
Events Officer
To make sure all of our members know what and when are events are held, we rely on our marketing efforts. The core responsibilities of the marketing team is to utilise our social media, videos and other innovative methods to promote our events.
Justina Jin
Marketing Director
Cassandra Mak
Marketing Officer
Le-ann Lim
Marketing Office
Natalie Tsiang
Marketing Officer
Chantal Thomas
Marketing Officer
Justina Jin
Marketing Director
Natalie Tsiang
Marketing Officer
Leann Lim
Marketing Officer
Cassandra Mak
Marketing Officer
Chantal Thomas
Marketing Officer
The I.T Support team is all about pushing MASA through the digital age and augmenting the other portfolios. Core responsibilities include video marketing, graphic design and website maintenance.
Sharon Zhou
IT Director
Patrick Liu
IT Officer
Mithun Atyam
IT Officer
Simeon Kim
IT Officer
Victor Omifolaji
IT Officer
Sharon Zhou
I.T. Director
Patrick Liu
I.T. Officer
Simeon Kim
I.T. Officer
Mithun Atyam
I.T. Officer
Victor Omifolaji
I.T. Officer
MASA not only provides events but also provides useful content for our members to benefit from. Our Publications team is responsible for creating our weekly newsletters as well as posting other important information for members.
Emily Tran
Publications Director
Angeline Sun
Publications Officer
Brenda Jap
Publications Officer
Cailyn Vo
Publications Officer
Tristan Mcphee
Publications Officer
Emily Tran
Publications Director
(Sem 1)
Cailyn Vo
Publications Director
(Sem 2)
Angel Sun
Publications Officer
Brenda Jap
Publications Officer
Jeremy Yves
Publications Officer
(Sem 2)
Shevianna Ling
Publications Officer
(Sem 2)
H.R. Team
For MASA to function properly, our team members need to work well together as well as independently. Our HR Directors ensure that all of us get along together and also hold group activities to help with destressing and team bonding.
Irene Xian
HR Director
Krystal Zhou
HR Office
Sandra Pecherskaya
HR Officer